I am uncertain about quantum mechanics

Monday, July 04, 2011

So yesterday after the tour of UCI, I took the saints to corporate living to meet the students.  They were all quite impressed with the corporate living houses.  Before we left Irvine the sisters managed to strike up a conversation with one of the residents next to the brothers' house and she happened to be Jewish.  She ended up asking what we were doing and how long we would be here (by we I mean the saints from Taiwan).  So one of the sisters practicing her English said that we are here for a week long training on the book of Psalms, which seemed to peek this lady's interests.  At this point she let us know that she is Jewish, which I thought was pretty cool.  She said that she says psalms everyday which allowed us to speak a bit more on the book of Psalms.  Common ground!  She is definitely very Jewish but she was happy to speak with us on the Bible.  We didn't exactly preach the gospel to her but she was very happy that we are having a training on the book of Psalms.  Even for her, she realized the power behind the Psalms and she went on to describe how speaking Psalms to one another strengthens and encourages us.  She didn't quite say it's because it is the word of God but that's essentially what she was trying to get at.  There is no better way to honor one another by speaking the word of God to one another.  As we were leaving for our next destination she ended up blessing us and our trip.  The lady was nice and it was refreshing to be able to speak to her concerning Psalms.

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