I am uncertain about quantum mechanics

Monday, February 04, 2008

The blood of the Lamb, which is for our redemption, answers before God all the accusations of the devil against us and gives us the victory over him. We not only have the redeeming blood but the prevailing, overcoming blood. We must always apply the blood, telling the devil that although we are not perfect, we are under the perfect blood. We must say, “Lord cover my conscious, thoughts, and realizations with Your prevailing blood. Your blood defeats the enemy.”

Second we overcome because of the word of our testimony. This word of our testimony declares the spiritual facts. It declares the victory of the Lord. We need to exercise our faith to declare that Jesus is Lord and that He has won the victory. We must net only believe it in our hearts but also declare it to Satan with our mouth. If we preach to Satan like this, the accurser will not dare to trouble you because you trouble him. This preaching to the enemy is the word of our testimony.

The brothers also overcome the enemy by not loving their soul-life. Due to Adam’s fall, Satan has joined himself to man’s soul-life, man’s self. When our soul-life is killed, Satan is killed also. If you are willing to lose your soul-life, Satan will have no way with you. If he bothers you, you preach to him. If he hates you, you die to him. This is the way to overcome the enemy.

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